Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Starving child- Bebe desnutrida

Needless to say Adriana is a good eater- she enjoys everything from cactus to cranberries. Here abuelito cut up some cantaloupe for her but she decided she would eat abuelita's since hers seem far more interesting in shape lol

La Adriana es muy buena para comer- come de todo- aqui mi papa le pico un melon- pero le llamo mas la atencion las rebanadas q mi papa le dio a mi mama... jaja!

Party at the Fiesta en el parque

Saturday we went to "brother" Kevin's bday party at the park- Adriana had a blast to say the least- she ate, played, ran around with the kids, had cake and even hit the pinata.

El sabado fue al cumple de su "hermano" Kevin- se la paso super bien- comio, jugo, corrio, comio pastel y hasta le pego a la pinata...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Small World

Here Addy tries to shake like the hawaiian girls, you can hear Mil laughing and she looks back at him and gives him a dirty look lol

Aqui esta la Adriana moviendo el cuerpo como las hawaiianas en el mundo pequeño - **salio un poco obscuro el video** se escucha el Emilio riendose porque ve q la Adriana se mueve al son de la musica jaja y ella se da vuelta en el asiento y se le queda viendo jaja


While we were waiting for cuzn Jacob 2 finish eating Mil took Addy outside to see the fireworks- well he got her close to our window- just look at that face!

Fuimos a cenar y mientras esperabamos al primo Jacob q terminara de comer Emilio se llevo a la Adriana afuera para que viera los cuetes... aqui el la acerca a la ventana y ella pues facinada...igual d ocurrente q su padre jaja!!


We head to Disney in the evenings and enjoy an outing together as a family. Adriana already knows where she's at when she sees the parking structure- she says "oh mickey!"

Hay dias que vamos a pasar un rato juntos y vamos a Disneylandia. Adriana ya no mas ve el edificio del estacionamiento y dice "Oh Mickey!" Le encantan las tazas

I caught u!

Adriana has discovered the gap between the iron door and the floor- and now knows that she can slide things out- but if she cant reach them she knows to come and tell us and we will open the door for her..what are we in for???

Adriana ya aprendio que si tira algo por debajo de la puerta luego nos avisa y pues le abrimos la puerta. Aqui la cache tirando unas crayolas...lo que me espera con esta creatura!!